We asked the question "How well do you think you and your spouse communicate, in general?" and 34% of respondents (married males and females in London) claimed they communicated "Very well". When you consider that communication is often cited as one of the key reasons why marriages (and coincidentally small businesses too!) fail - finding ways for the other 66% to communicate better can only help on the home front!
The other area that where we see a gap in our approach to business and home life is in our approach to planning. In response to the question "To what extent do you and your spouse have an explicit annual and/or strategic planning process? (Including writing down home priorities and activities for the year(s) ahead and reviewing/discussing them regularly)" only 9% of respondents claimed "Always". While this rigour is the norm in most businesses, we have a ways to go on the home front! Often it may seem difficult to take time out of our busy days to plan - but separating planning from execution is key. It ensures that you each are able to input and debate at the right time to develop the best plan to work together on!