Testimonials"Very useful. Really helped us to identify the importance of our time with grandchildren and to plan what we want to do with them."
"Such a unique concept and structures which I can relate to being in the legal profession. Makes a lot of sense to apply these to our life." "Finally something that my husband can easily relate to!" - North Carolina, 2013 “The most important strategic day of our marriage!
Really effective in Life / Family planning. Extremely important/helpful to get partner involved." - Soo -Mi “I should have been doing this before - thanks for waking us up to the need and methodology for approaching. I like the corporate approach to planning our family time that you've introduced" - Teddy 2012 “Really good - clear, simple, well-paced.
Structure & tools de-emotionalise the issues. Very acceptable process for businessmen." - Avivah 2012 “Overall - fantastic. Articulate, intelligent content.
Love the concept of applying corporate "rules" to own life - very clever - novel. Exciting to have new tools to enhance our lives..." - Ali “Ideal course before marriage. Great believer in writing goals and targets on paper and sharing with partner. Great exercise to plan long-term / future goals -- think about what you want to achieve in life and who you are. Good to spend more time with wife." - Rado 2012 “I attended The Marriage Development Company Classic Workshop on the 12th of November. I attended as a solo, as my husband felt some resistance to the idea of incorporating strategies from the corporate world to married life, but I was sure from the beginning that it could work. After all, part of a marriage is about planning and organizing, especially when children come along. I found the workshop interesting, nurturing and gave me concrete materials and ideas to bring back home and share with my husband, who after looking at the materials and listening to my findings in the workshop understood better what was all about, and felt more at ease and open to the idea.
Lisa presented the materials very clearly and in a very approachable manner. She offers three models with practical exercises, which you practice during the workshop with her support. These exercises help couples to draw a clear picture of their individual and shared goals. The exercises allow you to look at plans, values and visions that you have and share or perhaps not with your partner for the present and the future. This stimulates thoughts, reflection and discussion. By having the time to do the exercises I felt nurtured and I had a sense of looking after my marriage and myself. I also felt nurtured by the atmosphere, the treats and food that The Marriage Development Company had for us. I would recommend this workshop for those couples or that person in the couple that would like to strengthen the reflection of their core values and take time to think about their plans and goals together. " Sonia Barrachina 2011 “· The venue was well chosen and we particularly liked the idea of a background music, timers, etc.
· The session was fairly informal (but structured), which was brilliant and enhanced the ‘fun’ aspect. · Throughout the session both Marcela and I felt that you gave very realistic and practical examples referring to yourself and Mario. Talking to Joy later on she also said that this was really useful to ‘connect’ and better understand the use of the business tools. The same goes to the exercises, we found the pre-completed templates/examples of the vision worksheet and the VMV statements displayed on the screen very useful while completing these exercises. · The horseshoe seating arrangement was also very appropriate and enabled participants to engage and relate to each other much easier during discussions. · We also liked the idea of you encouraging questions during the presentation which to us made it very proactive and move away from the usual boredom associated with classroom lectures! · It was also helpful during the exercise having you round at the desks to assist couples/individuals in completing the forms · Catering was also very good. I trust you find the above useful, just as we found the workshop inspiring." Marcela & Kelvin 2011 A good course that can be applied to any relationship. Great ideas were generated that we will look at going forward.
- Ben An excellent, thought-provoking idea - the concept of which opens your mind to your general every-day activities in work and how you deal with them, and the differences that are so apparent when dealing with your own marriage - Joy |
Highlights“Really quite inspiring. This could be a way to revolutionise my life and get us out of firefighting mode”
“Very practical, gets you thinking / planning / communicating" “Great content, the exercises are thought-provoking. Love the music!" “Great atmosphere - materials are extremely well presented and useful" “Very interesting & informative - really fun" “Session was fairly informal (but structured), which was brilliant and enhanced the 'fun' aspect" “A course that can be applied to any relationship" “The unique point is that it is based on the business world” “It is quite useful to have a picture of what we are doing for the year ahead” “The only thing we ever seemed to plan ahead is holidays! Never thought of doing more... but makes sense!" “I can think of examples where we are just not as efficient at home as at work - things that we would have followed up on for work but never seem to get done at home. " |